Good concept, reminds me very much of the game N-Ball. Hey, your graphics are alright, they just lack that luster that comes with experience.
I reckon the spikes are incurring too much damage at once. I found it hard to jump over without nicking the edge and losing a third of health. One alternative is to make the ball bounce back up (and flash or go red) as soon as it hits the spike, then take away an exact amount, rather than have it decrease continuously. Incremental injury is more ideal for something that damages at a rate, like a liquid.
Also, you might want to make the ball roll. Yes, it's a circle so how do you do that- don't rotate a radial gradient, because that won't make any sense (since shadows don't roll with the ball), instead you can animate the white reflection to create the illusion (look up a tutorial). Also adding a small amount of blur, or ground particles, will aid the illusion.
Also you can make the physics a little more obvious, bounce the ball more, relative to the height it falls from. Don't forget music and sounds!
Goodd stuff NewAssasination11.